Eure Tante Epistrophy | |||||
14 Dec 2009
neues land - unter platten
22 Nov 2009
Punk immer noch das geilste / T-34 auch geil
"punk immer noch das geilste - aber T-34 fast genau so geil!" teilte uns AB von dorfpunkgang freundlicherweise mit... - anlassgerechterweise werden im bild unten die ihrerzeitigen gitarristen von recharge (rechts) und pressureflip (links) gezeigt....teile von raum eins null eins und drug revival haben sich zu einer neuen band zusammengefunden, die den schönen namen hier krepiert trägt und angeblich als erstes merchandiseprodukt eine "pulle schluck" präsentieren wird...
bringer Absturz haben sich anscheinend auch mal wieder hingesetzt, wie sie uns letztens mitteilten - hier also der versprochene "name drop" - danke für die 2 pullen loza!
die T-34 12" soll demnächst bei dorfpunkgang und dem neuen label pisschord veröffentlicht werden... ... man ist mächtigst gespannt!
bis dann, eure tante epistrophy
7 Oct 2009
AUDIO KOLLAPS Split 7" mit DESOLATION hier nun!
DESOLATION aus Oakland mussten ihre Tour leider absagen, warum?
lest hier den Brief von Dan:
"this whole tour was fucking cursed it was insane... 2 months before we left our bass player told us he couldn't make it so we had someone in Hamburg learning all the bass parts... then 10 days before the tour was supposed to start I get a call that our drummer is in the hospital in Spain having his appendix removed so he won't be able to make the tour... so then we send all the songs to the drummer from Antimaster who was going to meet us in Hamburg to learn the entire set in 3 days... and then a few days after that I get a call from our singer who's fathers cancer returned and he basically had to cancel to stay with him in the hospital for his last days... at this point the tour would have been just me and Will and 3 other people who weren't in Desolation 2 of which would have had basically no time to learn the material... so we just decided to cancel it... jesus christ, what a fucking clusterfuck... "
schade, abver leider momentan nicht zu ändern.
die 7" gibt es auf blauem Vinyl (100) für EUR 4,50 , Clear Vinyl (100) für EUR 4,50 und schwarzem Vinyl (300) für EUR 3,50
bestellungen richtet bitte an:
danke und ein schönes verregnetes Wochenende
eure Tante Epistrophy
14 Sept 2009
Split 7"von AUDIO KOLLAPS & DESOLATION auf dem weg!
bild finde ich auch nicht!
bis dann, eure tante epistrophy
11 Sept 2009
please donate for seiichi
hello everyone.
i'm sending this message to all my forign friends.
coz i wanna ask you some help. world wide firendship support really needed.
seiichi, our brother, guitar player from BLOWBACK/niigata, japan.
on 30th/august, right after paintbox/world burns to death/blowback tour
he felt in heavy sickness. and still in unconscious critical condition.
he's been had major liver problem for long time, his liver has malignant
virus in it,
on this last tour, he was over tired, exhausted & stressed out. and finally
his body/health situation turned to very weak condition. then... suddenly,
virus in the liver start working hard inside of his body, liver & some other
internal organs stop working & lots of poison in blood running through all
over his body, he was almost dead that time.
amubulance car took him to hospital & he went to intensive care unit
doctor said seiichi already escaped most danger. but still, totally no
talk, no action, he's still in 100% unconcious conditions on the bed.
this medical treatment he gets are already costs him & his family huge
amount of money.and doctor said that, even if he gets any better, but he
must cure his liver super carefully, this means he must stay in hospital
until new year.... or same liver problem will attack him very soon....
and no one can be sure about that when seichi can be back on his job. even
if he could get out of hospital....
we his friends really wish that he'll recover good soon... anyway, most
serious problem right now is that
he & his family facing serious financial difficulties. already this
situation costs huge & same high costs continues untill he get out of
hospital, and can't know when he can start working...
i decided that ask all my friends for donation money for help seiichi & his
i think this is the best i can do now. and he needs your help!
can you please send me money for seiichi help through paypal??
my paypal account is same this e-mail. if you like to send money, please
never forget to mention that
"MONEY FOR HELP SEIICHI" on paypal payment message. please.
ofcourse amount of money never matters. whatever you would like to.
that will very much apprecited, anything from you will help him out &
courages him, his family, and all his brothers in japanese punk scene!
hope you understand this, sorry for my broken english!
thank you for your kindness friendship. please help our best brother out!
Please help him
10 Sept 2009
Desolation Tour / drug revival
October 2nd, Berlin, Koepi
October, 3rd, bremen , Friese / Friesenstrasse
October 5th, Malmo, Sweden
October 6th, Stockholm, Sweden at Kafe 44
October 7th, Gothenburg, Sweden
October 9th Frankfurt, Germany
October 10th, Zurich, Switzerland
October 11th, St. Etienne, France
October 12th Barcelona, Spain at Los Blockes
October 13th, day off
October 14th Italy (tetanus28 at hotmail dot com) Borys - pls. check agipunk for details
October 15th Italy Borys - pls. check agipunk for details
October 16th Italy Borys - pls. check agipunk for details
October 17th Biele, Switzerland (Annette) at Schrott Bar
October 18th Munich, Germany
October 19th Vienna, Austria
October 20th Prague, Czech
October 21st Krakow, Poland
October 22nd, Wroclaw, Poland
October 23rd Leipzig, Germany
October 24th Bielefeld,German
October 25th Den Haag, Holland
unsere Lieblinge von Drug Revival machen jetzt Girly Revival, da sie endlich wieder eine bassistin haben - neue hörproben gibt es auf
viel spass, eure tante epistrophy
5 Sept 2009
neue split 7" von Audio Kollaps
ist auch das naheliegende um die uhrzeit nicht zu weit zu latschen
denn nachts verrichten die leute im stadteil ihre kulturelle arbeit
so so oder so - wie mir walter erzählt hat macht er auf pisstrophy als nächstes mit trujaca fala zusammen eine split 7" von Desolation aus USA und Audio Kollaps aus hannover - danach will er das label wieder terminieren
schönen herbstanfang, epistrophy
25 Aug 2009
wieder franz wittich !!!
franz wittich immer unterwegs! letztens in der nähe von hamburg - morgen vielleicht schon in Deiner Stadt - mit der 7" E.P. haben DorfPunkGang, Pain Of Mind und Pisstrophy Releases ganze Arbeit geleistet - die Scheibe verkauft sich wie das sprichwörtliche geschnittene Brot und macht jeden Käufer glücklich!
31 Jul 2009
22 Jul 2009
Franz Wittich
wir haben mit etwas glück einige der limitierten franz wittich 7"s in der gig edition vom 02.07.2009 bekommen. eine ist sogar mit original fussabdruck.
4 euro das stück plus porto
franz wittich spielen dann auch wiede live und zwar am 1 august in der silke arp bricht
am 30. juli spielen T - 34 im stumpf
24 Jun 2009
16 Jun 2009
12 Jun 2009
fast mitte Juli 2009
... die FRANZ WITTICH 7" nähert sich mit jetzt nähert sich in rasantem schneckentempo ihrer vollendung - 3 songs:
punk ist das geilste, wann knallt's und äh...
noch einer ... hier mal die erste ansicht des covers:
und hier die neuen und wieder reingekommenen sachen der letzten tage:
AGUIRRE Calvaire LP EUR 10,00 Alerta Antifascista as name and title suggest it is a french band i have never heard of before
AUKTION D-Beat R'N'R Maythem LP EUR 10,00 Assel
BALZAC Picture Disc LP EUR 10,00 G-Force japanese #1 horrorpunk
BLANK STARE same LP EUR 9,00 Refuse 9 songs
BOHREN & DER CLUB OF GORE Dolores 2 LP LP EUR 19,50 PIAS best album since sunset mission
CONSUME Consume LP EUR 11,00 Insane Society the tracks of all their 7" s
HANS A PLAST Second LP (Schnittmuster-Cover) LP EUR 10,00 Re-Force with 2 bonus tracks from "sex, sex sex" 7" and classics like Mono, Tuareg & Humphrey Bogart.
HELLBASTARD Rippercrust LP EUR 10,00 Agipunk it's the Rippercrust
Laatiminen Äpäröile Finnish Punk HC Compilation 08 LP EUR 10,00 Deviance 14 bands including Valse Triste, Sotatila, Disscet, Noituus, Urban Unrest etc.
M:40 Historiens svarta Wingslag LP EUR 10,00 Deviance
MISERY Production Through Destruction LP EUR 11,00 Scream
NASUM Shift LP EUR 12,50 No Tolerance nice gatefold - more info via
OUT OF ORDER Open Prison LP EUR 9,50 Überfall "1980 von britischen und deutschen Punks in Herford gegründet. neben den AHEADS oder NOTDURFT eine der ersten Punkbands aus der ostwestfälischen Provinz. Die LP kommt in neuem Cover und beinhaltet neben dem Original-„Open Prison“-Album von 1981 Stücke von der EP und bisher unveröffentlichte Demoaufnahmen. Dazu gibt es ein Textblatt mit ausführlicher Bandhistory!
SANCTUM On The Horizon LP EUR 10,00 Agipunk
SCATHA After The Dust Settles 2LP LP EUR 14,00 Agipunk includes both LP and the 7" by these scottish legends
SKARPRETTER Ammunition 12" LP EUR 10,00 Deviance political punk rock agitators out of Köbenhavn. they line up one raw and obnoxious riff after another, alongside rampaging bass play and dedicated drumming - while keeping it all catchy as hell. nicely embossed cover to a 16-paged LP cover/booklet with equally nicely put together layout with loads of cool drawings
STEPMOTHERS You were never my age LP EUR 10,00 Re-Force with 2 bonus tracks from "sex, sex sex" 7" and classics like Mono, Tuareg & Humphrey Bogart.
TOTALITÄR Vi är Eliten LP EUR 11,50 Prank Raw and brutal hardcore punk
VITAMIN X Full Scale Assault LP EUR 11,50 Agipunk
WASTED TIME Futility LP EUR 11,00 LaFamilia
WOLFBRIGADE A D-Beat Odyssey LP EUR 11,00 Havoc their last offering
WORLD BURNS TO DEATH The Graveyard Of Utopia LP EUR 11,50 Prank
BALZAC Out Of The Blue 7" EUR 4,00 G-Force Picture Disc 7" with 3 songs
CROWSKIN Harmony Of Death 7" EUR 4,00 Self potsdam's finest moment ever
DISCLOSE / FRAMTID Split 7" EUR 4,00 Regurgitated Semen /
DISFEAR / DOOMRIDERS Split 7" EUR 5,50 Disfear Records ( - Limited edition of 700 copies
HOLY MOUNTAIN / BLACK TUSK Split 7" EUR 4,00 Alerta Antifascista
HOLY MOUNTAIN / COBRA NOIR Split 7" EUR 4,00 Alerta Antifascista
NO HOPE FOR THE KIDS Das Reich/Angel Of... EP 7" EUR 5,00 Hjernespind Das Reich single on the A-side and the Angel Of Sonstwas on the B-Side
The Mower # 2 Book + Compilation 7" 7" EUR 9,50 Mower The whole Book is about Fear nd vcoms with a compilation 7" with one song each by OBSESSED, CLUTCH, BEAVER & MOTHER
SIMPLETONES I have a date CD EUR 10,00 Re-Force with 2 bonus tracks from "sex, sex sex" 7" and classics like Mono, Tuareg & Humphrey Bogart.
STEPMOTHERS You were never my age CD EUR 10,00 Re-Force with 2 bonus tracks from "sex, sex sex" 7" and classics like Mono, Tuareg & Humphrey Bogart.
4 Jun 2009
Anfang Juni 2009
die schon länger erwartete debüt 7" von FRANZ WITTICH nähert sich laut Aussagen der beteiligten labels, dpg, pain of mind und pisstrophy ihrer vollendung - angepeilt wird der 20. juni als veröffentlichungsdatum
auch gibts es eine neue hardcoregruppe in der sich der ex-sänger von metasystox und der schlagzeuger von piazza drop out vergnügen. die gruppe nennt sich wie schon einige vor ihnen T-34 vom klang her orientiert man sich auch an bekanntem, nämlich Cotzbrocken und Negative FX
einige neue titel gibt es auch mal wieder im mailorder, alle genannten preise verstehen sich incl. 19% umsatzsteuer und excl. Porto
BALZAC Picture Disc LP EUR 10,00 G-Force
CHANNEL 3 Live in Hannover 1994 LP EUR 6,00 G-Force
FAKE EMPIRE Same LP EUR 9,50 Behind The Scenes
FALL OF EFRAFA Owsla LP EUR 9,50 Behind The Scenes
HANS A PLAST Second LP (Schnittmuster-Cover) LP EUR 10,00 Re-Force
HIS HERO IS GONE The Plot Sickens LP EUR 11,50 hhig
KYLESA StaticTensions LP EUR 10,50 unsociable/hate
LIMPWRIST Same (LVEUM28) LP EUR 12,00 LaVidaEsUnMus
MORNE / WARPRAYER Split LP EUR 10,00 Alerta Antifascista
RANDY UCHIDA GROUP Deathly Fighter Anthology LP EUR 14,00 GAS
RESTARTS Actively Seeking Work LP EUR 10,50 Plastic Bomb
SCHLEIMKEIM Nichts gewonnen - Nichts verloren Vol. 1 LP EUR 11,00 Höhnie
SCHLEIMKEIM Abfallprodukte der Gesellschaft LP EUR 11,00 Höhnie
STEPMOTHERS You were never my age LP EUR 10,00 Re-Force
UNQUIET Same LP EUR 9,50 Behind The Scenes
VERSAUTE STIEFKINDER Die Demokratie LP EUR 11,00 Höhnie
ATOMGEVITTER Hiroshemo 7" EUR 4,00 Active Rebellion
BALZAC Out Of The Blue 7" EUR 4,00 G-Force
BURNT CROSS What Hope Tomorrow? 7" EUR 4,00 Active Rebellion
SCHLEIMKEIM Drecksau 7" EUR 4,00 Höhnie
SCHLEIMKEIM Schwarz - R - Gold - Nie gewollt 7" EUR 4,00 Höhnie
BLIND LEGION the lost tapes CD EUR 12,00 Blood&Iron
DAWNRIDER Alpha Chapter CD EUR 11,50 Raging Planet
LIFE BEYOND Ancient Worlds CD EUR 12,00 Blood&Iron
SIMPLETONES I have a date CD EUR 10,00 Re-Force
STEPMOTHERS You were never my age CD EUR 10,00 Re-Force
TROUBLE Dallas, Texas, Alive! CD EUR 11,50 White Stallion Records
13 May 2009
Anfang Mai 2009
am 15. Mai werden Franz Wittich beim "Punkrockdinner" im BeiChezHeinz spielen - zusammen mit Maschinenfest
ein freundlicher neuer blog namens looking for kohl wird von einer dame aus hannover gemacht, die sich selbst keck als "haselore kohl" bezeichnet aber leider bislang nur über so eine blöde myspace musikseite kontaktiert werden kann
neue platten haben wir auch hier, zwar nicht zu viele aber einige sind es doch....
All prices are in EURO excluding shipping (EUR 5.00) within germany and including 19% german VAT
LP records
ABADDON Godzina Krzywd LP EUR 9,50 Nikt Nic Nie Wie
AGUIRRE Calvaire LP EUR 10,00 Alerta Antifascista as name and title suggest it is a french band i have never heard of before
ANTI-PLAYAX Valencia Marca Registrada LP EUR 10,00 Trabuc
AUKTION D-Beat R'N'R Maythem LP EUR 10,00 Assel
BLANK STARE same LP EUR 9,00 Refuse 9 songs
BOHREN & DER CLUB OF GORE Dolores 2 LP LP EUR 19,50 PIAS best album since sunset mission
DERROTA Asko Infinito LP EUR 10,00 Trabuc fat lyric booklet
DISCARGA Musica Pra Guerra LP EUR 10,00 Refuse
DISFEAR Misanthropic Generation LP EUR 11,00 La Familia Repress of their album on Relapse
DISFEAR Live the storm LP EUR 12,50 Disfear Repress on the band's own label
DRILLER KILLER Brutalize LP EUR 9,50 Assel
DRILLER KILLER Total Fucking Hate LP EUR 9,50 Assel
DUNKLE TAGE Discographie LP EUR 9,50 Assel
EXTREME NOISE TERROR Law Of Retaliation LP EUR 10,00 Power It Up current album by legendary ipswich thrashers
GEWAPEND BETON Empty Batteries 12” LP EUR 8,50 unsociable/hate (
HIS HERO IS GONE The Plot Sickens LP EUR 11,50 hhig
INFEKCJA Przegani LP EUR 9,00 Trujaca Fala
INSOMNIO Happy Loneliness LP EUR 10,00 Trabuc
INSTINCT OF SURVIVAL North Of Nowhere LP EUR 10,00 Bolzkow mean crust from hamburg
KAAOS Ismit LP EUR 10,00 Assel white vinyl & gatefold cover
KYLESA StaticTensions LP EUR 10,00 unsociable/hate german Pressing that connects better vinyl with cheaper price than US pressing. This is actually the first kylesa lp i could stand for more than 3 minutes
LIMPWRIST Same /LVEUM28 LP EUR 11,50 LaVidaEsUnMus incluye "want us dead" e.p. it says on the cover
MOB 47 Second EP 7" EUR 4,50 Communichaos Media i thought this was shit but i was wrong. This is really good
MORNE / WARPRAYER Split LP EUR 9,50 Alerta Antifascista MORNE play dark doom, WARPRAYER features former Gurkha Singer and former RIPCORD bassplayer on guitar as well as two other guys i have never met in my life. They will packebusch this year so i hope to get to see them there
ORGANISM Same LP EUR 10,00 Hardware this is an lp by a jaoanese band that has an obi with explanations in japanese probably for the german market. Real posh...
POST REGIMENT Same LP EUR 10,00 NNWN für unkundige ggf. als "die polnischen LA FRACTION" erklärbar. 19 tracks of polish hardcore punk
PUNKS NOT DREAD Compilation LP EUR 9,50 Assel repress by Assel, tracks: CHAOS U.K. - for Adolfs only , bone idol , brain bomb, RAW NOISE - defiant pose , G.L.C., RED FLAG 77 - no one, EXTREME NOISE TERROR - borstal breakout , johnny won't get to heaven, FILTHKICK ( LEGLESS ) - naive , sonic reducer, RED FLAG 77 - sad so sad, POISON IDEA - new rose
RANDY UCHIDA GROUP Deathly Fighter Anthology LP EUR 13,50 GAS limited to 333 copies in white vinyl, contains the 7" and live tracks. This is horrible harspray metal for people who are into GISM
SKITKIDS Besöket vid Krubban LP EUR 10,00 unsociable/hate raw brutal hardcore punk assault from sweden spiced up with rocking and rolling guitar leads and politically aware lyrics
TIN CAN ARMY Discographie LP EUR 9,50 Assel
VORKRIEGSPHASE Same LP EUR 9,50 Assel repress by Assel Records
W.W.K. Bestie Mensch LP EUR 10,00 SM-Musik Wiederveröffentlichung im Klappcover, incl. Terroristen / reissue of the mid nineties german punk classic
WOLFBRIGADE Comalive LP EUR 10,50 Farewell available again in the first week of february
7” records
AUKTION / BLACK PANDA Split 7" EUR 4,50 Trabuc
BOMBENALARM / DEAN DIRG Split 7" EUR 4,50 unsociable/hate ( (
FUCKED UP Dangerous Fumes/Fixed Race 7" EUR 4,50 unsociable/hate european version (
FUCKED UP Police 7" EUR 5,50 deranged 2 songs
GO! Your Power Means Nothing 7" EUR 4,50 Refuse Reissue of classic EP on white vinyl
LOST BOYS Same 7" EUR 4,50 Trabuc
NIGHTMARE Refugee Of Logical Society 7" EUR 3,50 unsociable/hate japanese power-hardcore
NOVEMBER 13TH / GRUBE UND PENDEL Split 7" EUR 4,00 DPG das beste stück von November - Kaputt und ein weiteres sowie eines von grube und pendel (leute von fake empire und cave canem)
PIAZZA DROPOUT Same 7" EUR 3,50 DPG disorder meets american hardcore
PRESS GANG Sex Satan 7" EUR 4,00 Hardware 5 song EP
CD records
ATKA / SHIMETSU Split CD EUR 8,00 Ecocentric
BLACK SHAPE OF NEXUS Microbarome Meetings CD EUR 9,00 Ecocentric
BLIND LEGION the lost tapes CD EUR 12,00 Blood&Iron the NYC metal Band that partially later became doom band LOST BREED. Think NWOBHM
DAWNRIDER Alpha Chapter CD EUR 11,50 Raging Planet
LIFE BEYOND Ancient Worlds CD EUR 12,00 Blood&Iron Expanded Edition, includes 5 studio & 5 live songs - maryland doom. Heavy stuff from sadly defunct east coast doom outfit. Limited to 500 copies this is a reissue of the rare "Ancient Worlds" e.p. plus 5 live tracks and 1 track previously available on a comp. Count this up there with the best of them and anyone into Internal Void, Iron Man, Revelation, Penance, Cathedral, Obsessed, Vitus, Pentagram
TROUBLE Dallas, Texas, Alive! CD EUR 11,50 White Stallion Records
WOLFBRIGADE Comalive CD EUR 11,00 Farewell neues studio album
Cassette releases
23 Apr 2009
go! are back at it and some of them have kids now, see the exciting news! they are supposed to play 1 date in 2009 at ABC No Rio in NYC on october 10th
freitag, 24.04.2009 spielen mehrere bands, darunter auch eine aus peru, im stumpf/hannover
cross stitched eyes spielten an einem montag im ujz korn - hier ein bild von tim, früher bekannt als tim crow, bassist von zygote. geniesst die aussicht auf seinen hinterkopf!
die restarts spielten auf einen freitag in der kopernikus, hier wiederum eine ansicht mit einigen hinterköpfen....